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27 Jul 2016

Donate today and your donation will be matched £1 for £1 – doubling its value thanks to Arts Council Catalyst: Evolve funding.

DanceEast is absolutely delighted to learn that it has been successful in its bid to the Catalyst Evolve programme.  The organisation will receive up to £138,000 over the next three years to support their fundraising efforts.

Catalyst Evolve provides match funding to arts organisations, for every pound raised by the charity, Arts Council England will give another pound, doubling the value of donations. The Arts Council funding will also be used to create capacity, enabling the organisation to develop new campaigns and a new approach to generating income.

Brendan Keaney, DanceEast Artistic Director & Chief Executive said

Catalyst Evolve is an opportunity for us to rethink the way in which we talk about what we do, to build greater awareness of our artistic programme. We deliver ground-breaking projects here at the Jerwood DanceHouse and in the wider community. For example, our collaboration with English National Ballet on a Dance for Parkinson’s project has been incredibly successful. We are about to launch a programme with Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures specifically aimed at carers for people suffering with Dementia and we have been working with children and families from East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices for the last four years

We are delighted that colleagues at Pacitti Company and Suffolk Artlink have also been successful, this is great news for Suffolk and particularly good news for Ipswich.  Ipswich has a growing arts and cultural offer and should be very proud. It is a sign of confidence that Arts Council are investing in our town and rewards the commitment of both Ipswich Borough Council and Suffolk County Council who continue to support local arts and cultural organisations.”

Arts Council England today announced the 140 projects that will collectively receive a total of £17.5 million through the Catalyst Evolve programme (

Clare Titley, Director of Philanthropy, Arts Council England, said: “Arts and cultural organisations are working hard to attract new income and particularly to encourage more private giving.  We can see from the number and quality of the applications that there is a real impetus among small and mid-sized organisations to make a step change in their approach to fundraising and develop their business models, delivering greater returns. I’m looking forward to seeing how our investment can have a real impact and watching the progress of the organisations towards their matched income targets over the next three years.”