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Making Waves Together

19 Oct 2017

DanceEast is a delivery partner in the Making Waves Together programme, led jointly by Great Yarmouth Borough Council and Waveney District Council. It will see communities and organisations work together to boost the cultural offer and drive cultural re-imagination as a way of supporting success in the seaside towns. As part of this DanceEast will deliver a three-year programme of participatory work in partnership with two local museums and existing and new community groups.

The programme will create an animated map of sites of local interest, and led by a choreographer and artistic team, encourage local people to use movement as the stimulus for pop-up performances. These will take place in public locations, with audience following the performance from location to location through a choreographed and directed walk. The product of each groups work will be filmed, to create a live-recorded response to local history and historical features of the town, which will be used as permanent display material at museum locations, and hosted online by the museums and DanceEast.

Through the project DanceEast will work with existing groups and contacts as well as forming new interest groups, based at sites of local interest. A team of dance artists and film makers will work with local people throughout each year to produce work that draws on their responses to material and stimulus provided by curators from Lowestoft Museum and the Maritime Museum. A local coordinator, based at the Marina Theatre, will be responsible for the day-to-day communication and relationship between local partners.

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