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Ten Minutes With… Botis Seva

09 Aug 2020

Photo by Camilla Greenwell


Botis Seva is the Artistic Director for his company Far From The Norm. Botis first came to the Jerwood DanceHouse as the Guest Artistic Director for the National Youth Dance Company (NYDC), and returned earlier this year in our spring season, this time bringing his company Far From The Norm for a sold-out performance of BLKDOG. At the beginning of lockdown, we asked Botis more about his job, his passions, and what advice he has for young creatives.

Introduce yourself!

My name is Botis Seva, I am a dance theatre maker and I spend most of my time in the studio researching and creating theatre work.

What is your favourite thing about your job?

I get to travel and see other places in the world, but I also get to meet different people. I love having the ability to make something that can resonate with audiences, sparking a new conversation that connects people together.

What is the most challenging thing about your job?

I am always working, whether I’m in the studio or not, my brain is constantly there. I don’t have as much time with family as I would like, it’s tough to think you are losing valuable time you might not get back with them. I am slowly finding the balance.

What is something you are passionate about?

I’m passionate about making art that can change perspectives and bring peace to the hearts of people who are struggling with life.

How are you managing to stay creative whilst in isolation?

I’m just taking it a day at a time and not trying to rush anything, some days I read, some days I make music, some days not. But every day I connect with my body.

What’s playing on your lockdown playlist at the moment?

Sam Cooke – A Change is Gonna Come

Many creative people are using our current situation to spark some new projects and ideas – have any inspired you?

Some new thoughts and ideas have come to me, both for existing work and for new projects. I am writing everything down so that when I can and I am ready, I can remember the details.

Back in February, you brought a sold-out performance of the Olivier Award-winning BLKDOG to the Jerwood DanceHouse. What advice would you give to young people who aspire to become choreographers and have their own companies?

My advice would be not to rush, really take your time. The process is a huge journey and there is no microwave way to get “there” any faster, but with hard work it’s all possible. Stay off social media, stay focused, take risks, treat the people who are helping you with respect and be humble with your gifts.

What’s your favourite lockdown pastime?

I have been cooking a lot more, which is something I don’t usually have time for.


You can find out more about Botis and his company Far From The Norm by clicking here.