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14 May 2024
Hear from work experiences students Ethan and Niamh about their time doing work experience at DanceEast.

Hello, we are Niamh and Ethan, we did our work experience at DanceEast from April 29to May 3 2024. Over our week here, we worked with a majority of the team here and have learnt many lifelong skills. Our programme coordinator Zoe was very kind and understanding both before and during our placement. She allowed us to have open conversations over email to discuss any worries we may have before our placement began. Over the course of our week here we have worked with the creative team, the communications and marketing team as well as working with their technical team for an afternoon. We also worked down at the box office and with the CAT managers throughout our placement.

Our first day began with a tour of the building with Zoe and then was followed up by a briefing as to what the tots class we were about to participate in was going to be about. This class was run by Lizzie and assisted by Katie, this was a nice start to our day as it was fun and eased us in nicely to working at the DanceHouse. After the class was finished, we began working at the box office before taking our lunch break in which we went into town with Lizzie and two other members of the team, this was a lovely experience as they allowed us to feel welcomed into the team and treated us like adults which most people do not. When we returned, we continued our work in the box office before we attended a meeting with the communications and marketing team which was led by Jamie, this was interesting as it allowed us to see behind the scenes to many events and classes, they had upcoming and it also allowed us to see the level of work and dedication that goes into said events.

On our second day, we worked with Zoe and the creative team all morning on several projects including the planning of a hypothetical dance day for schools, so we gain a deeper understanding of the way communication between schools and DanceEast works regarding workshops and classes. After our lunch break, we spoke with the CAT team leaders, this discussion was led by Tom where we learnt about the history of CAT (Centre of Advanced Training) and how it impacts people, as well as how it works from a business perspective. Afterwards we began to help set up for the HOST event, which was happening the day after, this consisted of creating and sticking up timetable sheets on studio and theatre doors and setting up QR code stands throughout the building. This allowed the team to be able to plan and took the weight off their shoulders while we did the smaller jobs.

Wednesday was the day of the HOST event; we helped to deliver a welcoming and fun experience to those who came and were involved. Our jobs consisted of, helping direct guests to their correct studios and rehearsals as well as ushering for the midday show. This day allowed us to learn and help the team through the event, this day was very successful and we are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the event.

Our penultimate day was first spent with the Communications and Marketing Team led by Amy in which we created advertisements in the form of posters for classes and wellbeing. We also researched TikTok trends and created videos for their social medias, this allowed us to work on our editing and creative skills. After our lunch break, we spent the afternoon with the technical team which was led by Greg where we learnt how the lights are manned and how they work during shows. We also got to watch a presentation of a new light they got fitted and this allowed us to broaden our knowledge of the performing arts industry.

Our final day was spent with the creative team doing tasks and evaluation about our placement here. We would like to thank all members of the team for their kind and welcoming nature, it has been a wonderful experience being here and we hope to return soon. Thank you all so much we appreciate your willingness to help us and allow us to get as much out of this week as we could.