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Come and try our weekly movement classes for people over 55! Movers classes combine movement and a cup of tea to provide a positive and creative outlet for people over 55 in Felixstowe, Hadleigh, Stowmarket, Sudbury, Debenham and Lowestoft. Please note that our suggested age for the class is 55+, but Movers is open to anyone who feels the class would benefit them.

The class aims to make dance and movement more accessible by pairing the activity with the chance to meet new people in a friendly and relaxed environment. Led by a team of professional dance artists, the Movers classes gives people the opportunity to socialise and get moving in a fun and relaxed environment.

“I have been attending the Stow Movers group right from the outset and find it a really friendly and social group as well as a way of keeping ourselves mobile. The exercise is very gentle and easily achievable for all ages and if we do anything wrong we have a laugh and move onto the next movement, hopefully in the right direction!” – Stow Movers participant


The weekly sessions for everyone over 55 are designed to boost mental and physical health and include a chance to socialise and connect with others, but most importantly to have fun. Sessions will be led by an experienced dance artist and are suitable for all levels of mobility. No dance experience is necessary.

Felixstowe Movers
Mondays 13.00pm-14.30pm | Walton Community Hall, 274 High Street, Walton, Felixstowe, IP11 9DS
Price: £5 per session

Hadleigh Movers
Tuesdays 11am-12.30pm | Hadleigh Baptist Church, George Street, Hadleigh, IP7 5BE
Price: £5 per session, paid in block instalments

Stow Movers
Fridays 2-3.30pm | John Peel Centre, Church walk, Stowmarket, IP14 1ET
Price: £5 per session, paid in block instalments

Sudbury Movers
Wednesdays 10-11.30am | All Saints Church, Church Street, Sudbury, CO10 2BN
Price: £6 per session, paid in block instalments

Debenham Movers
Mondays 10.30am-12pm | Debenham Sports and Leisure Centre, Gracechurch Street, Debenham, IP14 6BL
Price: £5 per session

Lowestoft Movers
Fridays 10-11.30am, Seagull Theatre, Morton Road, Pakefield, Lowestoft, NR33 0JH
Price: £5 per session

For further information and to book Felixstowe, Hadleigh or Stow Movers please contact Karen.
Phone: 07751 891319

For further information and to book Sudbury or Debenham Movers, please contact Laura
Phone: 07375 024115

For further information and to book Lowestoft Movers, please contact Alysha
Phone: 07984 756499

Photography by Mikaela Jade Photography at Karen Louise Dance CIC’s Stow Movers class